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0121 446 5682

The Four Quls Series - Understanding My Surahs for Salah

Jun 14
Sunday 14th, June 2020 11:00am - 02:00pm
event details
Event entry:
0121 446 5682
register here (Seats available)
Sun, 14 June 2020, 11:00 - 02:00 GMT
Sales end 14 June
Female Seating
Male Seating
QTY: 0

About this Event

Join us on our incredible Webinar Series as we explore the Tafsir and virtues behind Surah Al-Kaafiroon, Surah Al-Ikhlaas, Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Naas, commonly referred to as The 4 Quls.   These 4 Surahs are popularly used by Muslims around the world for most of their daily Salah after reciting Surah Al-Fatiha. By understanding the meaning behind each Surah, it’s relevance, it’s revelation, history and the reward for reciting it; we can improve the quality our Salah.   Brief outline of topics covered:   • Asbāb Al-Nuzūl (cause of each revelation) • Explanations of Surah Al-Kaafiroon & Surah Al-Ikhlaas • Explanations Surah Al-Falaq & Surah An-Naas • Rewards of Understanding and Reciting each Surah   During the webinar we will also have a fundraising segment to support one of Islamic Help's Humanitarian Aid Projects.   Programme:   Saturday 13th June Surah Kaafirun & Surah Ikhlaas Sunday 14th June Surah Falaq & Surah Naas Each Webinar will be from 11AM - 2PM   The Teacher   These webinars will be delivered by the incredible Shaykh Kauther Ali with his uplifting and engaging teaching style. Shaykh Kauther is incredibly passionate about the Qur’an and he has delivered Tafsir seminars and lectures around the UK for many years. Shaykh Kauther Ali also regularly leads international tour groups for visits to Al-Aqsa, Makkah and Madinah.   We strongly recommend that you are prepared to take notes during the webinar.   Please note that registering for one webinar will not automatically register you for all of them, you need to register for each event individually. To register for the rest of the webinars please visit   ** ACCESS TO THE LIVE WEBINAR IS FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED! EVEN IF YOU HAVE REGISTERED ON EVENTBRITE, IF YOU ARE LATE TO THE WEBINAR YOU MAY NOT GET ACCESS. THIS IS THE SAME POLICY FOR ANYONE WHO HAS BOOKED A FREE TICKET OR A SPONSORED TICKET. **   REGISTRATION & WEBINAR ACCESS:   1. Please ensure you complete all the fields accurately, a unique registration link will be sent to you via e-mail once you have completed this. Look out for an e-mail from ISLAMIC HELP - WEBINAR LINK. 2. We will try to send you an SMS reminder about the webinar. 3. You can only use your unique webinar link, if you share it with someone else and they access the webinar using the same link, you will be logged out! 4. Spaces are limited, if you want to attend this webinar please make sure you sign up now, don't leave it until the last minute. Registration is first come - first served, this means if you log in late to the webinar you risk missing out. 5. This webinar is part of the Understanding My Surahs for Salah Series, you can use the same link for both days. 6. You can access the webinar using an up-to-date mobile device like an iPhone or Android phone but we recommend you use a laptop or computer for the best viewing experience, however this isn't essential, 40% of our viewers use a mobile device.   FUNDRAISING: During the webinar we will have a very short fundraising appeal. Islamic Help is a humanitarian aid charity and the fundraising will go towards supporting our work around the world.   PLEASE SHARE THIS POSTER WITH YOUR CONTACTS!  

Important information

FUNDRAISING: During the webinar we will have a very short fundraising appeal. Islamic Help is a humanitarian aid charity and the fundraising will go towards supporting our work around the world.

£ 50
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