Ibrahim (AS) - The Friend of Allah
Join Islamic Help and Ustadh Abu Muhammad as we explore the life of one of the greatest prophet of Islam, Ibrahim (AS). We will endeavour understand the great lessons from Ibrahim’s (AS) life and his connection to the history of Hajj. Entering into the month of Dhu’l Hijjah undoubtable Hajj and Qurbani is in all of our minds. Hajj is the greatest journey a Muslim/Muslimah can make in his/her life. It is a journey of self-discovery, sacrifice, patience and above all a journey of servitude and obedience to the creator Allahﷻ. So if you’re wondering where it all began, the Ka’ba, Hajj, Qurbani, well it all begins in the time of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS). Ibrahim (AS), the father of prophets, “The Friend of Allahﷻ”. The stories of Ibrahim (AS) teaches us essential spiritual lessons of complete sincerity and devotion to Allahﷻ. It holds an enlightening message for everybody, a father, a mother and children alike. Ibrahim’s (AS) life was filled with the most extreme trials, by way of the sacrifices he had to make, his people, community and his family. Having faced such sever trials, Ibrahim (AS) still becomes one of the most successful human beings to have ever lived. So much so that Allahﷻ gave him the title “KhalilAllah” (The Friend of Allahﷻ). Sometimes we fail to remember that the lives of our prophets in Islam are more than just stories to be read. Our prophets in Islam had to face the harshest of trials and tribulations. But they teach us how to face these trials; and they also teach us principles to hold within our hearts as we continue our journey in life. Brief Topic Outline- Who is Ibrahim (AS)
- Ibrahim’s (AS) connection with Hajj and Qurbani
- Lessons from the trials of Ibrahim (AS)
- Implement key lessons to our lives today
The Teacher
Ustadh Abu Muhammad has been on a journey seeking Islamic knowledge for over 25 years. During this time, he has been blessed to have studied with scholars from the widest spectrum of backgrounds including Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Sudan, Pakistan and Egypt. Ustadh Abu Muhammad has run halaqas, taught duroos, delivered lectures and khutbahs across the U.K. and Europe. He is also an Islamic family counsellor specialising in issues pertaining to marriage and divorce. We strongly recommend that you are prepared to take notes during the webinar. You will automatically be registered for all parts of this webinar series. ** ACCESS TO THE LIVE WEBINAR IS FIRST COME - FIRST SERVED! EVEN IF YOU HAVE REGISTERED ON EVENTBRITE, IF YOU ARE LATE TO THE WEBINAR YOU MAY NOT GET ACCESS. THIS IS THE SAME POLICY FOR ANYONE WHO HAS BOOKED A FREE TICKET OR A SPONSORED TICKET. ** REGISTRATION & WEBINAR ACCESS: 1. Please ensure you complete all the fields accurately, a unique registration link will be sent to you via e-mail once you have completed this. Look out for an e-mail from ISLAMIC HELP - WEBINAR LINK. 2. We will try to send you an SMS reminder about the webinar. 3. You can only use your unique webinar link, if you share it with someone else and they access the webinar using the same link, you will be logged out! 4. Spaces are limited, if you want to attend this webinar please make sure you sign up now, don't leave it until the last minute. Registration is first come - first served, this means if you log in late to the webinar you risk missing out. 5. You can access the webinar using an up-to-date mobile device like an iPhone or Android phone but we recommend you use a laptop or computer for the best viewing experience, however this isn't essential, 40% of our viewers use a mobile device. FUNDRAISING: During the webinar we will have a very short fundraising appeal. Islamic Help is a humanitarian aid charity and the fundraising will go towards supporting our work around the world.PLEASE SHARE THIS POSTER WITH YOUR CONTACTS!