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0121 446 5682
Medway ISOC

How To Fall In Love With Salah - Medway ISOC

During this seminar, we will learn how to focus in our Salah & appreciate the benefits a prayer offered correctly brings into our lives.

Oct 11
event details
Event entry:
Toyris Miah
Shaykh Asim Khan
register here (Seats available)

How To Fall In Love With Salah - Medway ISOC

Venue: Pilkington Building, Room 008 - University of Greenwich  Central Avenue Gillingham ME4 4TB

Time: 2:00PM - 4:00PM / Date: Wednesday 11th October


When we are called to Salah, the Muazzin announces “Hayya ‘alal-Falah, Hayya ‘alal-Falah”, which translates to “come to success, come to success!” We are literally being told that Salah is success and success is no doubt what most of us wish to achieve in this life and the next. So then, why is it that so many of us struggle to respond to this powerful call?

Salah should be a fundamental part of every Muslim’s life, but the reality is that many of us find it difficult to pray even one of the obligatory prayers throughout the day, let alone five.

During this incredibly transformative seminar by Ustadh Asim Khan, we will learn about the different levels of Salah and how to reach the ultimate level, where our heart yearns to fall in submission to Allah and eagerly awaits the appointed time to pray. No matter what struggle you are facing in life, Salah is the key to dealing with it.

“And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is a burden except for the humbly submissive [to Allah].”

[Quran: 2:45]



  • What are the 5 levels of Salah
  • How does Salah benefit me
  • How should I be looking at Salah
  • Improve Khushoo (Focus) In Salah
  • Practical steps to improve relationship with Salah
  • Q&A



Ustadh Asim Khan – is a Hafiz of Qur’an & an Imam for the Redbridge Islamic Centre. He is also a course instructor for the Sabeel institute, a published author of 3 books covering Tafsir and Seerah, and a social media campaigner for noble causes. Ustadh Asim Khan also presents regular Islamic shows on satellite channels.


From an early age, he excelled in academic studies and gained a Masters in Pharmacy from University College London as well as studying Arabic and Qur’anic sciences in Cairo, Egypt. Ustadh Asim Khan is well known for being able to break down and explain complex matters in an easy-to-understand, digestible format.




1. Strictly no video or audio recording is allowed.

2. Your ticket has no monetary value, we will not provide any cash or financial refunds.



Food will not be served at this event, as this event is in the evening, we appreciate that some people might want to bring food with them, this is perfectly fine however please try to avoid any food which carries a strong smell as this could disturb other attendees. 

During this seminar, we will have a short fundraising segment to support Islamic Help’s Humanitarian Aid Projects.




£ 50
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