By exploring the Tafsir of Surah Ad Duha, we can learn valuable lessons
Tafsir of Surah Ad Duha
(Note: You will automatically be registered for both events on Saturday 30th January and Sunday 31st January.) Join us for an incredible webinar as we explore the tafsir and virtues behind Surah Ad-Duha. Surah Ad-Duha – Chapter 93 of the Qur’an – was revealed in Makkah and forms part of the early revelation sent to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It consists of 11 verses, which speak directly to the Prophet (SAW) about various themes related to his life. Muslims can take many lessons from the life of the Prophet (SAW) that is applicable to our own lives. The themes mentioned in Surah Ad-Duha provide a key insight into a period of distress and anxiety of the Prophet’s (SAW) life and the relief Allah SWT provides.
A brief outline of topics covered:
- An overview of Surah Ad-Duha
- An explanation of each verse
- The virtues of Surah Ad-Duha (in light of mental health)
- Key Lessons from Ad Duha