One of the biggest challenges that face areas suffering from poverty, famine or drought is the lack of access to clean water for drinking and sanitation purposes. Water is fundamental to life yet even today millions of people, particularly those living in third world countries, have little to no access to it.
Water is an all-purpose element that is used for a variety of things, from cooking to cleaning. Not having a steady supply of water puts entire villages in a severely dire situation.
Islamic Help has always been mindful of water sanitation, providing residents of affected areas with clean drinking water. One of the ways to provide beneficiaries with access to this water is by digging wells and installing water plants. We undertake such projects whenever there is a serious need. Recently, our projects have been concentrated in Bangladesh, Cameroon, Pakistan and Tanzania.
One of the quickest and easiest ways to provide drinking water is by digging a well or creating a hand-operated water pump. It is also the most cost-efficient way, which makes water wells a very popular choice in third world countries. They provide water on a small scale, but larger wells and solar powered wells provide drinking water for larger populations.
By taking part in the Walk For Water challenge, you'll be fundraising for and helping to build a water hand pump and provide clean water to benefeciaries in Bangladesh and Pakistan.
It's FREE to sign up for the trek. All we ask is that each participants raises a minimum of £150. This is a very easy amount to raise and if you're nervous about it or worried that you won't hit your target, give us a call and we will be happy to give you some advice and guide you.
Sign up now, get your walking shoes on and ake sure you get your friends and family to join you!
As part of your registration, we will need to take your contact details and also any medical conditions. Any person under the age of 16 will need to get their parent or guardian to authorise their participation. By registering for this challenge, you agree to Islamic Help team members contacting you via e-mail, SMS, phone and post for the purpose of this event.