Volunteer with Islamic Help
Volunteers are a cornerstone of Islamic Help and fundamental to the work of the organisation. Islamic Help values its volunteers and their willingness and enthusiasm to donate the most precious of resources, namely, their time. As such we are able to provide a range of volunteering opportunities and experiences based on volunteers' interests, desires and skills.
Volunteers are a cornerstone of Islamic Help and fundamental to the work of the organisation. Islamic Help values its volunteers and their willingness and enthusiasm to donate the most precious of resources, namely, their time. As such we are able to provide a range of volunteering opportunities and experiences based on volunteers' interests, desires and skills
Let your imagination shape your volunteering experience at Islamic Help
Volunteers have a lot of opportunities with Islamic Help, including helping raise money at the Global Peace and Unity Event to feed starving people around the world
These volunteers are making a real difference - so can you. Volunteering with Islamic Help is simple and can take any form that you wish. Simply tell us about your skills and interests and we'll find you the best and most appropriate of volunteering experience for you. Of course, fundraising remains the most popular form of volunteering but there are many other ways in which our volunteers contribute. Many assist with office and administrative support duties, others steward at events that the organisation holds, and others organise events. The choice is yours!
Volunteer Registration

Once completed, return your application form by email to: [email protected] or send it by post to:
Islamic Help
Volunteers Department
19 Ombersley Road
Balsall Heath
B12 8UR
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Our volunteers go abroad and visit our projects in the field and help the people directly on the ground. Sound like you?. Find out more