A Little Too Close to Home?
The numbers of vulnerable and homeless people in need across the UK has risen significantly in recent years. Sadly, with the continuous increase in the daily cost of living, this doesn’t look like it’s about to change anytime soon.

We often find ourselves complaining when the cold weather sets in and forget the fact that we readily have access to the necessary measures we need to take in order to counteract that feeling. Things that we take for granted - such as central heating, coats, scarves, gloves, boots, blankets, hot water bottles; even hot drinks - are some of the key things those suffering from poverty don’t even have.
Islamic Help UK Winter Appeal
In the UK alone, there are so many amongst us living incredibly comfortably, Alhamdullilah, so it wouldn’t take much at all to help someone in dire need.
If we could put ourselves in someone else’s shoes just for a moment and imagine how it would feel to have no other choice but to face the bitter, cold season ahead without any warm clothes or shelter, then our problems may just fade in comparison to some of those around us that are in fact, on our very doorstep.
Can you imagine a member of your family being left out in the bitter cold to the point that they can’t feel anything anymore? It’s pretty hard to digest, but yet it is still true; it isn’t just something we see or hear about on the daily news - it is happening, right here, right now, all around us.
Islamic Help UK Based Projects
This is why Islamic Help launched it’s UK-based winter appeal to enable us to tend to those right in front of us.
Your donation could go towards providing the necessary essentials to help some of our neighbours through the cold snap, such as warm clothing, nourishment and in some cases, even shelter.
Not only are there many suffering from homelessness, but there are also vulnerable senior citizens around us who are suffering in silence; from isolation and loneliness, lack of heating, lack of food and even negligence.
Helping our community doesn’t necessarily have to always mean parting with money; you could volunteer your time and help towards a good cause too. There are so many ways to help those in need. The first step, however, is to make the intention to do so.
So, let’s spread a little warmth this winter and attempt to make a difference to those having to face such a difficult time alone. Support Islamic Help in serving the local community through our UK-based campaigns and help to ensure the well-being of our local community.
It is hard to accept that we could be sitting comfortably in a large, fully equipped warm home whilst someone could be huddled in a cold corner outside in the next street… isn’t it?
For more information on our UK-based projects, click here, or alternatively, give our friendly team a call now on 0121 446 5682.