Hajj 2018 Checklist
The annual pilgrimage of Hajj is the fifth of the five obligatory pillars of Islam. It occurs during the final month of the Islamic lunar calendar, Dhull Hijjah, and all able, qualifying Muslims are obligated to make this journey at least once in their lifetime.
When is Hajj 2018?

Hajj 2018 is performed between the 8th and 12th of Dhull Hijjah, therefore, is estimated to fall on or around 19th August 2018 until 24th August 2018.
If you are one of the lucky ones performing Hajj this year, congratulations! No doubt you will be looking forward to your privileged journey, however, first things first… packing for your trip!
One thing that many of us can relate to is the hassle of packing and unpacking, so to make the whole mundane process a little simpler for you, we have compiled an extensive list of things you may need for your trip.
- Passport/visa/tickets/travel documents etc. It is also a good idea to have copies of your ID documents along with a copy of your birth and marriage certificate (if relevant) along with a few passport-sized pictures. Take along a copy of your will if you wish and don’t forget your luggage tags along with keys and padlocks
- Vaccination certificate – these are usually for meningitis, polio and yellow fever, see here for more details. Ensure you make an appointment with your doctor in good time
- Money, of course. It may also be a good idea to take your debit card with you just in case
- Ihram clothing - it’s also recommended to take a spare set of ihram clothing
- Snacks – it is always handy to keep some snacks on you as a source of energy. Items rich in protein and glucose are good sources of energy along with dried fruit, dates, nuts, cereal bars, crisps, crackers, biscuits and hard boiled and chewy sweets should keep you going
- Travel adaptor plus a portable phone charger
- Unlocked sim phone – it’s always better to use an old phone in case of damage or loss
- Comfortable footwear – ensure you pack an extra pair of flip flops for wudhu too. It is also a good idea to take more than one pair of comfortable shoes in case you damage a pair
- A small money purse you can hang around your neck inside your clothing or a waist pouch
- Towels – don’t forget face towels, too
- Water bottles – one for refilling and drinking; one for washroom purposes
- Medication kit – be sure to include anti-diarrheal tablets, hay fever and allergy tablets, anti-sickness pills, flu and fever medication, cough sweets, eye drops, general painkillers, vitamins, hydration and energy tablets, insect repellent and muscle rub. Take a mini first aid kit too, including bandages, plasters, safety pins and antiseptic wipes
- Drawstring bag to carry your footwear with you so they don’t get lost or stolen
- Socks
- Hijab or pashminas – take spare ones just in case. Straw hats for the gents when not in ihram for sun protection is also a good idea
- Travel umbrella for shade
- Plastic bags and pocket tissues
- Take a sleeping bag and a small pillow. Alternatively, an inflatable air mattress and pillow are also good. Don’t forget to take some sheets, too
- Eye mask
- Sunglasses (if you wear glasses or lenses, ensure you take along a spare pair along with any solution etc.)
- Backpack and small travel bag
- Essentials such as Vaseline (petroleum jelly) to prevent chafing, hand and face wipes, cream, deodorant, chapstick, sanitisers, fragrance-free toothpaste (or miswak), sunscreen, sanitary products and water-based face mist to refresh in the heat. Ensure all products are alcohol and scent free
- Dua books and a book to note down completed rituals plus pens. It is important to make sure that you give your group details of any emergency contacts for you and vice versa. Also, take down each other’s details in case you get lost along the way. If people have asked you to say a prayer for them or bring them something back, make note of this in your notebook before you go
- Prayer mat, a small Qur’an, dua books, tasbih and a compass
- Light clothing (bottoms, vests, undergarments, t-shirts etc.)
- Warm clothing for the evenings (if relevant)
- Abaya for the ladies – thin cotton is best
- Mini pocket fan, an inexpensive wristwatch and torch
- Padded mat or Yoga mat
- A pocket Hajj guide could come in pretty useful – your tour operator may provide you with a guide or itinerary for your trip
This list can apply to both Hajj and Umrah and is not exhaustive. Many of the above items are also available at the local shops and bazaars but it is always better to ensure you take the important items with you, just in case. Hajj consists of many different rites and rituals including tawaf, visiting Mount Arafah and celebrating Eid-ul-Adha - which is the second of the two key festivals in Islam. Eid-ul-Adha is generally known as the bigger of the two Eids and the act of Qurbani is performed on this day. The time of Qurbani commemorates the sacrifice that Prophet Ibrahim (as) made in devotion to Allah (SWT) and is when Muslims across the world perform the sacrifice of an animal.
Each year, around two to three million people from across the globe gather in congregation to perform the Holy rites of this blessed pilgrimage. If you are not fortunate enough to embark upon the Hajj Pilgrimage in 2018, then see here for details on how to donate your Qurbani with Islamic Help this year. We pray that you fulfil your journey soon inshallah.
The Hajj dates for 2018 are estimated as previously mentioned. Exact dates are subject to the sighting of the moon as based on the Islamic lunar calendar. Please check nearer the time with your local Imam or Mosque for more details.
For those who are lucky enough to be embarking upon this blessed journey this year, Hajj Mubarak!