Islamic Help Orphan Stories Jameela

More than 2 million registered Palestinian refugees live in Jordan, with nearly a fifth of them in refugee camps. They face a daily struggle for necessities and the situation is especially acute for widows and orphan families.
One such widow is Jameela Amin, a mother of 9, all of them orphans. One of them, eight-year-old Umar, is supported through Islamic Help’s orphan sponsorship programme. Despite the adversity that she and her family faces, Jameela can only express gratitude for the support from Islamic Help’s donors.
At a public meeting organised by Islamic Help for the refugee orphans, Jameela took to the stage to publicly thank those supporting her and the other families. The sponsorship of just one of her orphan children brought happiness to her entire family, she said.
At no point did she question or ask for sponsorship of any of Umar’s brothers and sisters or wonder why they couldn’t be helped in a similar manner. She was, she said, grateful that even one of her children was receiving the support of a donor, support that she and Umar’s siblings could only view with happiness and joy.
The video below is Jameela’s story of endurance and what Islamic Help does to support her and her family
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