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Young homeless people at a Birmingham supported accommodation scheme had a taste of Ramadan when Isl...

Young homeless people at a Birmingham supported accommodation scheme had a taste of Ramadan when Isl...

Ramadan at St Basils helping the youth

Young homeless people at a Birmingham supported accommodation scheme had a taste of Ramadan when Islamic Help arranged a special iftar for them.

The event was organised for residents at supported accommodation run by St Basils to give them an idea of how Muslims end their fast at the end of each day in the month of Ramadan. The meals - including dates, rice, lamb and chicken curry and naans – were provided by Sparkbrook restaurateurs Al Faisals.

The two charities are heavily involved with young people. Islamic Help was founded by and has a hardcore of young volunteers, while St Basils provides a range of services for 16-25 year-olds who have been made homeless and helps more than 5,000 people across the West Midlands each year.

“It was an ideal opportunity for some of our young people to meet their peers and share in the spirit of Ramadan which is not only about fasting but also showing generosity and helping others,” said an Islamic Help spokesman.

“We were really impressed by the positive spirit of the young people being looked after at St Basils. So many of them have got skills and talents which have opened up opportunities for them and they saw their present circumstances as a temporary situation.

“Both sides enjoyed it and got on really well. Young people being young people they had a lot in common and we’re really looking forward to working with St Basils on other ventures.”

Lucy Hackett, Head of Fundraising for St Basils, added: “We were delighted when Islamic Help approached us with this kind offer; they do some wonderful work across the community.

“The meal shared with our young people was fantastic, a real treat and a great evening was had by all but more importantly it’s very warming for our young people to see first-hand how our local community cares about them and collectively want to support vulnerable young people and prevent youth homelessness. Huge thanks also to Al Faisals for the very generous and delicious curry donations.”

written by | islamic help


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