Spotlight On: Eco Village

Eco-friendly, environmentally-conscious and sustainability are all phrases that are getting increasingly more common as people become more aware of their individual impact on the planet. Have you ever thought about going green?
However, self-sufficiency and sustainable living can actually provide a much-needed lifeline for people in need around the world. Sponsor a child in our Tanzanian Eco Village to see just how much of an impact eco-friendly living can have on the lives of disadvantaged children.
Islamic Help’s Children’s Eco Village, located just outside the capital city of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania’s Mkurunga district, aims to be fully sustainable and rely almost entirely on green energy. The Eco Village is situated in 30 acres of countryside and, when completed, will feature 16 homes, an Eco-Mosque, community centre, training centre, library, sports ground, playground, and a permaculture farm.
The project began in March 2012 with the aim of supporting 160 orphans and vulnerable children; providing them with the security and stability of a sustainable lifestyle and a more positive future.
Why is an Eco Village so Important?
One of our core principles is to provide the means for those in need to work together to improve the quality of their lives. This is vital as it allows disadvantaged people to better their lives permanently and work towards a more positive future, rather than continuing to be reliant on aid and being unable to lift themselves out of their current situation.
How Does the Eco Village Help these Vulnerable Children?
The Eco Village aims to help orphans and children in need to grow and develop in a family setting – providing essential care through a support system that many desperately need. During their time at the Eco Village, these children attend school and learn vital life skills. It is our goal to support these children every step of the way; from childhood right through to adulthood.
Sponsor a Child in the Eco Village
Here at Islamic Help, we consider it our duty to help those less fortunate than ourselves. However, we cannot reach this goal without your support. Sponsor a child, take part in a fundraising event or simply volunteer your time for a good cause – whichever form your donation is made in, you can rest assured that you will be helping the people who are most in need.
Give a gift today – with your help, we can make the Eco Village grow to its full potential.