The History of Qurbani
The actual term Qurbani, or Udiyah as it is known in Arabic, means sacrifice and relates back to the time of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) and his willingness to sacrifice his son, Hazrat Ismail (A.S) for the sake of Allah (SWT).
Many of us Muslims donate Qurbani as an obligation in Islam but not all of us know the significance behind it.
The Story of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)

Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) experienced a recurring dream that Allah (SWT) was instructing him to sacrifice his most beloved possession - his son, Hazrat Ismail (A.S). At first, Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) didn’t think much of this but as the dream kept repeating he realised this to be a commandment from his Lord.
Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) discussed this with his son, Hazrat Ismail (A.S) who, being the pious, obedient son that he was, agreed with his father that this act should be carried out immediately in accordance with Allah (SWT)’s wishes.
Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) and Hazrat Ismail (A.S) set off on their journey to Mount Arafat where they would prepare and carry out the sacrifice. Upon reaching their destination, Hazrat Ismail (A.S) suggested that his father should tie Ismail’s hands and feet with rope in order that he wouldn’t struggle and for Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) to cover his own eyes with a blindfold so that he would not witness his son suffering.
Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) agreed to this and proceeded to tie Hazrat Ismail’s wrists and ankles and tied the blindfold over his own eyes. Once the deed was carried out, upon removing the blindfold, Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) was shocked to see a dead ram lying there in place of his son. As he looked to his side, he saw Hazrat Ismail standing there, perfectly fine.
It is narrated that Allah (SWT) had replaced Hazrat Ismail (A.S) with a ram in recognition of the loyalty and commitment displayed by Prophet Ibrahim (A.S). To this day, this act of devotion and obedience is commemorated through the act of Qurbani each and every year.
Qurbani 2018
The act of Qurbani is carried out on the day of Eid-ul-Adha after Eid salaah. This day falls after the annual pilgrimage of Hajj, on the tenth day of Dhul Hijjah - the final month of the Islamic calendar. The sacrifice of a livestock animal is carried out and the meat from the animal is divided into three equal portions and distributed between the individual’s own household, their friends and relatives, and those in need. This act also signifies equality in Islam.
Scholars have also ruled that a donor can donate all of the meat from a sacrificed animal to the poor and needy. This means that many people in the UK and the West who have the luxury of eating meat all year round decide to offer their Qurbani in those countries where people are struggling against poverty.
Donate your Qurbani with Islamic Help this Eid-ul-Adha 2022 and ensure your Qurbani is distributed amongst those less fortunate than us to enable them to join us in celebrating the festive occasion of Eid-ul-Adha this year.
From all the team here at Islamic Help, we wish you a blessed and joyous Eid.