Understanding the Importance of Women in Islam
In a world where gender equality is continuously explored and debated, in Islam, the status of a woman is regarded as incredibly high. There are several references in the Qur’an to the status of women in Jannah and in a Hadith Anas Ibn Maalik (RA) states that the Messenger of Allah (Peace Be Upon Him) said: “…If a woman from the women of Jannah were to appear in this world, that which is between (the heavens and the earth) would be filled with her (beautiful) fragrance. And they would illuminate that which is between the heavens and the earth…”

Of course, there is a sufficient reward for men, as well as a highly prominent role. Islam clearly encourages gender equality but also recognises that the vital attributes for both genders are diverse, leading to divergent responsibilities between the two. However, with the lead up to International Women’s Day on 8th March this year, let’s focus on the allegiance of women in Islam.
There have been - and still are - many instances of gender inequality across the globe, where women are perceived to be the weaker gender. Of course, we know this isn’t the case; in fact, far from it. This is one of the many reasons Islamic Help launched its numerous projects promoting and supporting the empowerment of women in Islam – focusing on the roles, rights and responsibilities of women in this day and age.
One such role and responsibility is Motherhood. A fine example of the strength and ability of women, it is demonstrated by the many sacrifices our mothers make without us even realising, along with the commitment and nurturing they consistently put into their family – unconditionally, and entirely out of love. What’s more is that women are the appointed gender to go through the physically challenging birthing process.
Islamic Help Birth Campaign
Today, the vast majority of females reading this have had, or will have, sufficient support and guidance to ensure a safe and informed pre and post birth experience. Along with aftercare help and advice, they will also have access to the vital medical resources required to deliver a child.
On the other hand, in many parts of the world, namely inSyrian refugee camps, there are expectant mothers who lack the vital knowledge and support they need prior to giving birth. They have little or no access to nourishment for their own well-being, let alone that of their child. They lack shelter, hygiene and clothing which, with the absence of any medical assistance or support network, make it almost impossible for these women to get through childbirth safely.
For these expectant mothers, the very notion of a hospital delivery is simply not an option due to a constant lack of financial support. This inevitably leaves their lives, and the lives of their children, severely at risk.
With your support, Islamic Help can continue to reach out and support these expectant mothers and help them with the safe delivery of their children, as well as provide them with the necessary pre and post-natal care they need. For more information on the Islamic Help Birth Campaign, click here.