Winter Goals

Following the busy period of Ramadan and Qurbani, the cold season now fast approaches us as we start to prepare ourselves in advance for the dreaded cold snap. Many find themselves debating whether it is too early to switch on the central heating or pull out their electric blankets, and fast food chains across the nation have already started swapping the Frappuccinos and iced drinks with an assortment of hot chocolate, chai latte and winter-warming cinnamon drinks.
The kids have gone back to school, fully equipped with their newly purchased uniforms – we’re talking jumpers, cardigans, coats, scarves, gloves and practical winter boots, all ready for the cold months. High street retailers and fashion shops across the UK have launched their autumn winter 2016 collection and vehicle De-icer is on the top of many people’s shopping lists.
Yes, winter is right around the corner.
Now, for most, this would mean packing away the summer clothes to replace with warmer attire, warming up the home and swapping air conditioning for the heated seats in the car.
But for many others, not too far away, the cold season could bring with it the feeling of fear and dread.
So many people, not just worldwide and in developing countries, but also right here in the UK, cannot afford the rising costs of energy bills or appropriate clothing to keep them warm during the bitterly cold months. Those most at risk during the winter months include many elderly people as well as the homeless population with many of these without a sufficient means of food, let alone somewhere to warm themselves.
So, whilst we are sitting near the fire at home, or driving along with the heating on to warm our fingers and toes, let’s spare a thought for the others right here on our doorstep, who may be sleeping on a park bench or a closed alleyway, just trying to find shelter and warmth.
Many senior citizens find themselves hibernating indoors, not wanting to risk venturing outside for fear of the cold – isolating themselves in the process. This can be incredibly lonely with months feeling like years, and getting out to the supermarket can also become a chore that they struggle to undertake.
Every year, with your support, Islamic Help aims to provide assistance and distribute food hampers to the vulnerable and elderly across the UK to help support them through these difficult winter months.
Join us as we continue in our goal of helping our neighbours and those around us by donating to Islamic Help today. Simply click here for more information on our UK Food Aid Campaign, or contact us directly on 020 3432 1329.
With your support, we can make a difference.