Ramadan Food Packs
You can support Islamic Help in reaching out to those suffering by helping to provide food packs to thousands of families across the world; ensuring they have sufficient nutrition during suhoor and iftar during the month of Ramadan. Each food pack can provide enough to nourish an entire family for a whole month – aiming to feed between five and seven people each.
A Ramadan food pack starts from £35 and consists of essential staple items. It is designed to meet beneficiaries' minimum nutritional needs, providing sufficient nourishment for a whole family for the entire month of Ramadan. Not only this, but collective iftars are held to share the blessing of this special month, and gifts are also distributed to children for Eid – so a little can go a very long way.
Whether you are able to help feed one family during Ramadan 2019 or several, may Allah SWT reward you for all your generosity and efforts during this blessed and privileged month. Ameen.
Due to various conflicts around the world, particular consideration is given to those who have lost their families and have been displaced from their homes as a result. With over a tenth of the world’s population suffering from hunger today, we aim to reach out to as many as we can. Our efforts include supporting those currently suffering in Syria and Iraq, the refugees of the Central African Republic and Cameroon, those undergoing difficulty in Pakistan and Tanzania, and those needing support in Bangladesh; this includes the local population as well as the Rohingya refugees.
Ramadan is an auspicious month of joy and blessing. It is also a key month in the Islamic calendar, in which we should go even further to help those who are constantly suffering from poverty - with little or no access to food or shelter. With over 800 million people suffering from malnourishment on a daily basis, it is our duty, especially during the Holy month of Ramadan, to ensure we reach out to support as many of those struggling as we possibly can.

The conflict in Syria has led to an unprecedented humanitarian disaster. Since the start of the civil war in 2011, more than 250,000 Syrians have been killed and 4.8 million are refugees. The bulk of them are in Turkey (3.6 million), Jordan (660,000) and Lebanon (945,000).
Men and women who were once used to providing for their families with comfort are now forced to live in makeshift shelters and confront a daily struggle for the essentials of life, including food and water.
This Ramadan, we will be providing food packs to Syrian refugee families in Jordan and Lebanon.
Throughout the year, we have provided aid to more than 76,000 Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon, and in Ramadan 2018 we distributed food packs for more than 11,600 refugees in those two countries.

The Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar (Burma) are regarded by the United Nations as one of the world’s most persecuted minorities.
Estimated to be about 1.5 million in number, they have been denied citizenship, confined to camps and barred from accessing crucial services like medical aid and free movement. Many have undertaken hazardous sea journeys to flee as refugees to other countries.
In Ramadan 2018, with the generous support of our donors, our teams provided food packs for more than 54,000 Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. This Ramadan, please continue to show your support for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. One food pack, for £35, will benefit 5-7 people, for the entire blessed month.

The needs of impoverished or struggling communities are especially highlighted during Ramadan, with our supporters helping provide essential food to those in need.
In Ramadan 2019, we will be helping Syrian refugees, Rohingya refugees, embattled communities in war-torn Yemen, plus beneficiaries in countries such as Bangladesh; the Central African Republic and Cameroon; Pakistan and Tanzania plus many more.
* If you wish for your Ramadan Food Packs to be distributed in a specific country, please mention it in the notes section during the donation process. If you leave this empty, we will distribute the Ramadan Food Packs in the most needed area.