An overview
We feel that given the current coronavirus pandemic, it isn’t appropriate to have a celebratory launch. Nevertheless, we’d still love to share our enhanced identity with you, and hope it provides you with a slight distraction during these uncertain times. In the upcoming months, you’ll see further improvements to our website, brand and ultimately how we share our work with you. We’re excited to reintroduce ourselves to you, and thank everyone who has supported us over the last 17 years.
Small starts with big hearts
Islamic Help started in 2003 with the aim of supporting those in need at a grassroots level. Since then, we’ve been providing aid and support to people impacted by some of the most catastrophic disasters imaginable. We’ve always been a youth-led charity, guided by experienced elders, and we firmly believe this blend of youth and wisdom is reflected in the work we perform, where our solutions aren’t only reactive where necessary, but also proactive in empowering communities.
With strong leadership and guidance, over the last 17 years Islamic Help has transformed into an innovative organisation, delivering an array of projects around the globe, facilitating real, positive change at a community level. It’s this tapestry of creativity, sincerity and operational expertise we wanted to reflect in our new rebrand.
Our team realised that as we have grown, we’ve always kept our focus on delivering life-changing projects in a way that uplifts those in need and helps them aspire towards a life of fulfilment, growth and opportunity.
Developing our brand and communicating our progress had been secondary to the vital projects we have been delivering, meaning this didn’t always receive the attention it deserved. This is why we decided it was time to reintroduce ourselves to our valued donors, volunteers and supporters.
There’s no ‘i’ in rebrand.
We were blessed enough to assemble a group of passionate and skilled volunteers, who offered their expertise, time and resources for free, or at greatly reduced rates. This group has helped ensure that while we are rebranding with a new logo, website and visual style, our ethos, principles and values shine through every interaction we have with our valued donors.
Transparency and trust has always been vital to us, which is why we want to ensure our beneficiaries, donors and supporters always feel involved in the life-changing solutions we provide.
With our new rebrand, we hope you’ll see just how deeply committed we are to having our supporters involved in understanding the work we perform around the world.
Why? Because it fosters a level of understanding in our donors, which leads to trust, transparency and comfort in our work. It means they can rest assured that they’re donating to a charity that they believe will provide long-term solutions that enrich local communities and allow them to grow and prosper.
Our goal is to inform and educate, rather than instruct and insist. For us, empowerment and compassion, rather than obligation, are at the heart of donating, and we hope you can join us on this journey to truly empower those in need.
You may notice some significant differences compared with our previous brand, but we want to reiterate that our rebrand is reaffirming our commitments and innovation, while remaining true to who we are and what we do. It is our belief that when we empower those we support and give them skills, responsibilities and power, they grow and thrive with a sense of purpose, optimism and determination.
The heart of who we are
At Islamic Help, we hold the support and commitment of our donors in the highest regard and treat every donation as an amanah – a promise, a trust and faith in us to deliver empowering solutions to some of the most vulnerable people on planet earth. This will always be the heart of Islamic Help, and it is a pleasure to be able to reintroduce ourselves through a rebrand anchored in education, empathy and understanding.
So without further ado, please
allow us to reintroduce ourselves.
- Muhammad Shafiq (Executive Director, Islamic Help)