Water for Gaza
Thank you to our supporters for providing a new water desalination plant at Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza.This will purify contaminated ground water, making it safe for human consumption
Water for Gaza

THANK YOU. Your generous support in helping us reach our £300,000 Water for Gaza target means we will be able to provide a new desalination plant for Al Shifa Hospital, Gaza's largest hospital and medical centre. It will benefit 200,000 people - patients, relatives and staff - each year by providing clean and safe drinking water to the hospital.
What does Gaza need?
Gaza’s main water source is its aquifer (underground water table) which is accessed by wells. However, contamination by seawater from the Mediterranean, which has increased its salinity (salt in water) to unsafe levels, and sewage which is pumped into the sea means more than 90% of that water is unsafe for human consumption.
Al Shifa Hospital is Gaza’s largest medical centre and the central focus of care during times of crisis. The hospital currently relies on 2 wells to provide it with water but salination has a dramatic effect on health care, medical equipment and procedures.
Following on from our successful Gaza 100 Challenge when our supporters funded a new water plant at Wadi as Salqa serving 9,000 people daily, we launched our Water for Gaza appeal to build a £300,000 desalination plant at Al Shifa Hospital.
The plant will clean and purify the water, making it safe for human consumption, before it is transported via a network of pipes to the hospital.
Alhamdulillah, within 3 months, your generous support helped us hit the £300,000 target. Work is now scheduled to begin on the plant and we anticiplate completion in time for Ramadan 2016. We shall be providing you with feedback on our website here and our social media outlets.
From Islamic Help, a massive thanks to all of you for helping the people of Gaza.
Feedback on our activities in Gaza after last years attack on Gaza.
Feedback on our activities in Gaza for our 100 Water Challenge.
How you can help! Remember, you can still donate to our other water projects or other campaigns around the world.
TELL YOUR FRIENDS: Be generous - share our campaigns on your social networks or go to our Facebook page and join the conversation.