Environmental Projects
As well as relief aid work and providing emergency food rations and drinking water, Islamic Help is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people in need. Part of this entails critically analysing the surrounding environment and taking steps to improve it. This includes empowering people to make their surroundings better, more efficient and productive.
Islamic Help aims to improve the livelihood prospects of relief aid beneficiaries who are struggling to make ends meet. We also understand the importance of a healthy environment and create strategies that positively impact the residents that live in it. Listed below are a few successful environmental projects by Islamic Help.
Eco Village
This three-year project started in March 2012 in an area just outside Dar es Salam in Tanzania. Set in 30 acres of lush green landscape, the Eco Village will provide a healthy and naturally flourishing environment for more than 160 orphans in which to live in, learn and grow. When the project reaches completion, it will have 16 homes, a sports ground, a mosque, community centre, library and permaculture farm.
Eco Mosque
The Eco Mosque is located within the Eco Village. It provides religious, educational, social, and cultural activities for the entire community.Using natural resources and green technologies, the entire building structure is based on environmentally-friendly principles and provides the backbone to the community by sharing its eco-ethos.
Trees for Change
Trees promote a healthy environment. They keep the atmosphere pure and provide fresh, clean air. Islamic Help’s Trees for Change campaign is responsible for planting trees in and around the Children’s Eco Village to conserve the environment. To this date, over 30,000 trees have been planted as well as 68,000 saplings.

Children's Eco Village See how how far your donation will go by popping over to our Give a Gift page where you can help build and support the Children's Eco Village! AIMS Read our special booklet about the Eco Village With its emphasis on sustainability and almost total reliance...