Emergency Relief
Donate to our Emergency Fund – where it’s most needed
iHelp continues to respond to many emergencies around the world. By donating to the IH Emergency Fund you will be helping us to prepare, respond and reach the people affected in these situations, when they need it most.

One of Islamic Help’s key objectives is to respond swiftly to disasters to ensure emergency relief reaches the people affected in the quickest possible time. We aim to move quickly and utilise resources in the air and on the ground to provide essential medical aid, water, food and shelter.
Disaster Relief and Emergency Response Background
A major part of Islamic Help’s work is to provide emergency assistance whenever and wherever disaster strikes. We have been able to make a big difference to countless people all over the world who have been affected by natural and man-made disasters.
Since we responded to the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004, Islamic Help has been on the ground establishing international and local partnerships with people and organisations to help meet the many incredible challenges in disaster zones all over the world.
Current Emergencies

The Central African Republic (CAR) is in the grips of a humanitarian crisis of catastrophic proportions.Ethno-religious violence and political instability have left the country's 4.6 million population vulnerable and more than 2 million of its people in need of humanitarian aid.
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In July 2014, Israel launched an offensive on Gaza with airstrikes and ground operations. After 50 days of conflict more than 2,100 Palestinians were killed, thousands wounded, tens of thousands in dire need of emergency aid and large parts of Gaza razed to rubble.
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In March 2015, the Syrian conflict entered its fifth year. Four years of unrelenting hostilities and civil strife have led to the biggest humanitarian catastrophe of the 21st century with United Nations estimates putting the number of dead at more than 200,000 during that period.
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Here are just some of the places we have responded.
• Ocean Tsunami in 2004
• South Asian Earthquake 2005
• Cyclone Sidr 2007
• Hurricane Alia 2008
• Swat Valley Refugee Crisis 2009
• Haiti Earthquake 2010
• Pakistan Floods 2010
• Gaza 2012
• Syria 2012
• Philippines Typhoon Haiyan 2013
• Gaza 2014
Time is of the essence when it comes to providing emergency relief to the affected area. Often the situation on the ground is deteriorating at a relatively fast pace; in some cases, with each passing day. Such situations call for swift actions on all fronts including relief aid. Aid must be flown out or carried out to these regions with haste so people who are suffering can have the necessary items to survive.
No one is completely safe from natural or man-made disasters. However, it has been noted that parts of the world where communities live on $1 a day are usually the ones most affected by such disasters and the destabilizing effects that come with them.
Recent incidents serve as an example. The earthquake in Japan, the Tsunami in Thailand, the monsoon flooding in Pakistan; these are all real examples of natural disasters that caused billions of dollars in damage and took many precious lives.
Successfully tackling these situations requires tremendous support from the world community and relief aid organizations. Islamic Help is committed to providing aid to such volatile regions in order to alleviate human suffering and see to it that relief aid flows fluently and positively impacts local life.