Winter Appeal: Donate Food, Clothes and Blankets to Gaza & Lebanon  

Our Story
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Surgeons in Gaza & Lebanon
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Surgeons in Gaza & Lebanon
Featured Campaigns
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Current Emergencies
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Water Aid
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Environmental Sustainability
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Environmental Sustainability
Economic Empowerment
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Economic Empowerment
Change a Child's Life
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Build a Mosque
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Build a Mosque
Long-term Crisis
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Long-term Crisis
0121 446 5682



Where We Work

Country Profiles


Since its inception, Islamic Help has been involved in bringing relief and hope to millions people across the globe. After our official launch in October 2003, our first major emergency relief response involved helping the victims of the Bam Earthquake in Iran that year.


Today, as well as emergency relief we have long term programmes across the world that encompass environmental sustainability, water and orphan care among others. While many of the solutions have common ground, each country has its individual demands, characteristics and traditions that have to be catered for.  


Bangladesh 155 million
Bosnia 3.9 million
Central African Republic 4.5 million
Jordan 6.5 million
Burma 52.7 million
Pakistan 179 million
Palestine 4.5 million
Philippines 96 million
Tanzania 48 million
United Kingdom 63 million
Yemen 24 million
written by | islamic help


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