Winter Appeal: Donate Food, Clothes and Blankets to Gaza & Lebanon  

Our Story
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Surgeons in Gaza & Lebanon
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Surgeons in Gaza & Lebanon
Featured Campaigns
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Current Emergencies
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Water Aid
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Environmental Sustainability
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Environmental Sustainability
Economic Empowerment
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Economic Empowerment
Change a Child's Life
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Build a Mosque
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Build a Mosque
Long-term Crisis
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Long-term Crisis
0121 446 5682

Why Support Us

Why Support Us

Why Support Us

Why support us?

Since our established, Islamic Help has maintained a unique grassroots and community-led ethos which has allowed us to engage with and engage in the service of the UK community to make a difference to the lives of those in need. We heavily rely on our team of dedicated and active volunteers who provide key grassroots input into our work.

Saving Lives And Transforming Communities

Our holistic approach means that we work closely with the vulnerable communities that we serve. This means that the community helps us to identify and understand the problems they are facing and are central to the solutions. Individuals, families and villages have been transformed by avoiding dependencies on charity handouts and focussing on empowerment, especialy the empowerment of woman, as this is the key to fighting poverty

Experience And Expertise

We’ve been serving humanity for over 10 years, and in that time have built bags of expertise. As one of the top Islamic charities in the UK, our reputation and credibility means that we can, and do, choose to work with influential bodies and institutions that share our humanitarian goals. Pooling resources and expertise, by working together we deliver real help where it is most needed.

What’s more, the donations of generous individuals make up the largest majority of our funding, and can allow us to secure ‘match-funding’ from institutional donors – so funds go even further.

Global, But Still There On The Ground

Working all over the world in many of the areas of real need means that we can often secure efficiencies – making the most of our funding to achieve the maximum positive impact in transforming lives around the world. With a presence in around 20 countries, we have a deep understanding of the issues and the causes of poverty and suffering amongst local people.

Our roots in the communities that we serve often means that we have earned their trust and can work closely with them to design and deliver solutions that work.

Islamic Ethos

We aim to be an exemplar of humanitarianism to showcase the positive strides that we can make by working collectively in the fight against poverty and suffering. Our strategy aligns our valuable work to our vision, mission and values.

We’re also actively developing an understanding of poverty and development based on the teachings of Islam, which recognises that poor and suffering people have rights over us,

Accountable And Transparent

As a registered charity, we’re of course accountable to donors and stakeholders. We’re transparent about the funding we receive, how we spend it, and the results we achieve. We publish this information in our Annual Project Report and provide regular updates on our work and performance on our website. We constantly assess what we are doing, and how we could do it even better.

We have made it a strategic priority to further strengthen the governance that allows us to operate effectively and efficiently.

Royal Approval

Princess Anne attended the launch of a new and exciting partnership between Acid Survivors Trust International and Islamic Help

Islamic Help has been providing specialist medical and surgical support to acid burns victims since 2009 and our work was featured in an Oscar winning documentary called Saving Face?  Princess Anne endorsed the work we are doing and thanked us for joining the campaign to stop acid attacks

written by | islamic help


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